"The foundation of authority is laid, firstly, in the free consent of the people."

No, he's not men­tioned by name in the Fed­eralist Pa­pers. No, he's not a Found­ing Fa­ther, or "the first A­mer­i­can." No, our laws don't ver­y much re­sem­ble the Ten Com­mand­ments. But ear­ly Am­er­i­cans saw in his words a test­ed pat­tern for self-gov­ern­ment. That's plen­ty.

· My tes­ti­mo­ny be­fore the State Board of Ed­u­ca­tion in Aus­tin, TX, Tues, 15 Nov 2018. The Board makes head­lines for de­cid­ing on hot-but­ton is­sues like this for Tex­as text­books that are a­dopt­ed by states a­cross A­mer­i­ca.
· The PDF, an info­graph­ic ov­er­view
· John Calvin's influential notes on Deu­te­ro­no­my 1:13, ex­pli­cit­ly link­ing Mo­ses to a con­crete pat­tern of de­mo­cra­cy
· John Cotton's "Mo­ses His Ju­di­cials," dis­cuss­ing the Mas­sa­chus­sets Bay Col­o­ny and Mo­ses's in­sti­tu­tion (as they read it) of a rep­re­sent­a­tive proto-de­moc­ra­cy
· Hook­er's read­ing of Mo­ses, de­li­ver­ed at the first meet­ing of Con­nec­ti­cut's foun­ders

It bears men­tion­ing that rank-and-file be­liev­ers of the time thought of Mo­ses as the de­liv­er­er of God's law, not a hu­man scheme. They be­lieved he bore the com­mand­ments from the moun­tain; they did­n't think he came up with them. But, though Mo­ses claims God spoke to him, he nev­er claims this par­tic­u­lar i­de­a — "Take you wise men" — came from God. He's care­ful in what he at­trib­utes to di­vine in­spi­ra­tion and what comes from him­self. This one comes from him.

The Bi­ble and the Found­ers are both more bran­dished than sought. We talk a­bout what we want our kids to know: what do *we* know? Both the pro-Mo­ses and an­ti-Mo­ses teams seem to be un­a­ware of an im­por­tant fact of how ear­li­er A­mer­i­cans saw him. Show of hands: most of us did­n't know this, or read a­bout it in our text­books when *we* were kids.

We can do bet­ter at re­mem­bran­cing an ex­hi­la­rat­ing chap­ter in hu­man his­to­ry.



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