the silver gig.
my 25th anniversary CD
sacred harp suite.
meditations on a classic american songbook
50 days, 50 songs: a musical feast
keeping the cart before the horse.
a provocative lesson on the heart and the wallet
memoirs of an amnesiac.
delightful musings from an off-the-wall composer
a musical offering.
the strange recipe for a sunday morning instrumental
killer music.
my score for sea world's shamu show, and the story behind it
some clips from my first solo CD
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Sarah holds the darling girl. The Kays willingly offered their home as a laboratory for the making of gingerbread houses, which entailed floors and tables scattered with candies and sugar. The results, though, were delightful. Meanwhile, Lydia brought her excellent camera and excellent eye, and, among other things, took some pictures of the girl you can't get enough of. Proceed.

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