things i did in 13.
a moustache-twisting journal of the few things in my life worth mentioning

24   |  23   |  22   |  21   |  20   |  19   |  18   |  17   |  16   |  15   |  14   |  13   |  12   |  11   |  10   |  09   |  08   |  07   |  06   |  05   |  04   |  03   |  02   |  01   |  2000   |  99   |  98   |  97



welcomed clara
In the first hours of the year, our little baby girl was born. We'd been expecting her sometime closer to Christmas, but were glad that she's free and clear in the new year, January birthdays being better (according to many with December birthdays). We absolutely love her. Greta is so sweet with her, even learning the five baby noises. It's no surprise that Greta perceive the "bottle time" sound more often than strictly warranted. I can't wait to meet and get to know this person more and more as she grows.

celebrated a 10th anniversary
Not a wedding anniversary or a musical one: it's been 10 years since cancer. These days my regular doctor does all the checking-up I need. It's hard to believe it's been that long. I often still don't know what to make of that whole episode.

won an addy
Remember that Noah's Ark app? It won a Bronze Addy for sound design. Since the sound designer was me, I'll take the compliment. I didn't just write the music but recorded the voice talents — wonderful people including some NPR voices, Darren Kuper and Hannah Brake as a load of animals, and Anna and Isabel Chappell carrying the load as the narrator and Dove (Noah's sidekick). Add original music (with terrific musicians like Bill King providing great tracks) and literally hundreds of sound effects, and that's a gig. Nice to get recognized.

got complimented by a dentist on my hygiene
This is something that has never happened before. It's like the ne'er-do-well in school getting an A. I hardly knew what to say but I inordinately beamed. Maybe I'll keep it up this time.

got a casio privia
It was time for a new keyboard for gigs. The Privia, made by the official Unlikeliest Company To Make Gig Boards, fit the bill perfectly. Six samples per note, gorgeously arrayed, 88 weighted keys, and only 25 pounds. It really does make a difference.

got a cool t-stand
for the Privia. I'd shopped around and around for exactly the right stand, knowing that, of course, it could never be one of those infernal x-stands. The t-stands functions wonderfully, packs easily, stands strong, and looks good doing it.

told the untold tale of pergassa
That's right, Big Game fans, yet another one for the Fellowship summer retreat. This time with secret meetings, undercover cops, fiendishly involved codes, and a surprise ending that surprised even me. Every year I'm freshly delighted that the Big Game lives on. As a teenager I didn't care much for the tournaments and group competitions, but always loved the Big Game. It's an honor to be part of a group that Gets It, and to be the one to carry the game to that group.

said goodbye to holy trinity
Father Chuck invited me out for a beer. I went, knowing this could be bad news. Alas: the church just had to give up the costly monthly expenses of its rented space and of its band. They're still going, meeting in houses and borrowed spaces, but one of the best church gigs I've ever had is no more. Man. Great hang every week with the best musicians in town, and — no kidding — complete spiritual and artistic freedom from beginning to end. I'm gonna miss this one.

got a ge-7
One of the best little inventions ever. It's a pedal, with a line in and a line out, and a graphic equalizer to fine-tune the sound. Those things come in so dang handy. My last one got lost or stolen, or maybe broke, a few years back, and I finally replaced it. Great thing to have in the bag. You should have one.

remixed the rite of spring
May 29th was the 100th anniversary of the Rite of Spring, the 1913 masterpiece in which Stravinsky sliced and diced phrases of existing melodies into a huge dance piece that actually caused a riot in its premiere in Paris. Incredibly forward-looking, it's aged well. Parts of it are trancey, parts sound like the soundtrack to a current action movie. I did a dance remix in salute to the man who started it all.

We needed a car. Our dear friends Dan and Beverly had one they weren't using. So they gave it to us. Bam, just like that. (Actually, they sold it for a dollar.) Now that we have two kids, it was time. And, hey! It fits gig gear into it effortlessly, no ingenuity needed.

I'm always honored when kids I taught at church stay in touch, whether for friendship or advice or, in the case of Rebecca and Alex, to officiate at their wedding. This was a first. Despite turning into a sobbing mess at literally the first "Dearly Beloved," I did manage, and was doubly honored that they wanted me not only present but in such a special way. Bon voyage, kids.

took manhattan
and the whole big apple. Ken Slavin, through a remarkable chain of events, landed a gig at one of the world's central stages for his kind of music: the Metropolitan Room. I served as musical director and arranger, aaaannnnnd as recording engineer. He wanted the whole thing recorded and turned into an album, which is exactly what we did in the closing months of 2013. I tweaked and tweaked just about 100,000 notes till they shone. The result is a joy. The evening itself was a joy. Ken says it's a highlight of his career. Full-to-bursting crowd, good press, and we got to see good friends throughout the week, not to mention visits to the Birdland stage and dinner at 21. Ah, the life.

got friend-divorced
Easily one of the most painful things of my adult life. A dear friend just walked away. Shut the door, that's it. The reason this friend gave was an assessment of my character and motives that I sincerely hope isn't true. Others I've confided in are as baffled as I. I can only conclude that someone I'd really counted as a comrade and fellow-traveler just plain never knew me at all. We still have to deal with each other on a regular basis: it's been excruciatingly hard. Man. It's rare that I'm at a complete loss, but I am at a complete loss.

on a trampoline. We bought one for the backyard. Greta absolutely loves it; no doubt her new sister will too. The sheer joy of slipping the surly bonds of earth again and again never seems to get old.

used a padded spoon
With a new baby, we rejiggered the house, and this means that at certain times of day I couldn't make coffee or chocolate without making too much noise in the kitchen. But aha! The little rubber-padded spoons now in vogue for Greta-aged kids proved to be a lifesaver for this stirring dad. A quiet stir!! I'll never go back.


\ - / - \ - / - \ - / - \ - / - \ - / - \ - /

What a year. Dedicated to the glory of God.

so, what did you do?



24   |  23   |  22   |  21   |  20   |  19   |  18   |  17   |  16   |  15   |  14   |  13   |  12   |  11   |  10   |  09   |  08   |  07   |  06   |  05   |  04   |  03   |  02   |  01   |  2000   |  99   |  98   |  97